Wednesday, September 17, 2008


“Addat Batad”- the passing down of tradition from generation to generation to ensure the thriving of a culture, the essence of a race. But these wonderful traditions are already threatened by extinction and in due time what will be left are only bits of traces in our fragile memories.

Thus, as an artist from Mindanao, i took advantage by pouring out my spirit and come up with a mission in reliving this wonderful culture. Using the canvass as my medium of portraying these rich traditions, it becomes my subjects. Rooting from stylized designs and motifs known as okir art fused with modern techniques, it eventually created a unique style that is a total celebration of Mindanao’s artistic roots and cultural history.

My works portray the very artistic persona of my people, its exuberance, vibrancy, color, intensity and complexity but in time is endangered by the constant conflicts in the area, backwardness and poverty and the recent phenomenon of the rise of fundamentalism and extremism.

Thus, this showcase is the embodiment of the human pursuit of freedom of expression, the artistry of the human spirit and the quest for peace for “AD-DATAN”—it is the artist statement that in this trying times we must continue to believe in the beauty and zest of life for in the arts and culture lies hope of peace and unity in Mindanao.